We are a gathering of Christian congregations based in Canterbury, Victoria, Australia.
We work together on various events and ministries. Over the course of a year these include:
Carols in Canterbury, in December
Stations of the Cross in Highfield Park, each Good Friday
A mental health liturgy
A winter breakfast, with a guest speaker on a topical issue
Visits to each other's churches
Click here for details of recent events.
The Council currently includes the following Churches:
St Paul's Anglican Church Highfield Road Uniting Church St Dominic's Catholic Church
Canterbury Uniting Church Canterbury Baptist Church East Camberwell Baptist Church
St. Dunstans Anglican Church St Filoteea Romanian Orthodox Parish St Barnabas' Anglican Church Balwyn
We work together on various events and ministries. Over the course of a year these include:
Carols in Canterbury, in December
Stations of the Cross in Highfield Park, each Good Friday
A mental health liturgy
A winter breakfast, with a guest speaker on a topical issue
Visits to each other's churches
Click here for details of recent events.
The Council currently includes the following Churches:
St Paul's Anglican Church Highfield Road Uniting Church St Dominic's Catholic Church
Canterbury Uniting Church Canterbury Baptist Church East Camberwell Baptist Church
St. Dunstans Anglican Church St Filoteea Romanian Orthodox Parish St Barnabas' Anglican Church Balwyn

A Prayer for Christian Unity
We pray:
One only Holy Spirit of Father and Son in whom all are baptized,
one giver of many gifts, one tree of many fruits
one speaker of every tongue, renew in our day the wonders of Pentecost,
grant that people of every race and nation may understand one another, and as one,
proclaim the praises of God.
Grant that all may be one as you, Spirit, with the Father and the Son are one God, one Lord.
Grant unity to the Body of Christ; grant unity to the human family.
Sole breath of every living thing, may all be one who, in you, live and move and have their being.
“We saw the star in the East, and we came to worship" (cf Matthew 2:2)
Carl K. Moeddel, from Jesuit Resources,
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2022 - NCCA
We pray:
One only Holy Spirit of Father and Son in whom all are baptized,
one giver of many gifts, one tree of many fruits
one speaker of every tongue, renew in our day the wonders of Pentecost,
grant that people of every race and nation may understand one another, and as one,
proclaim the praises of God.
Grant that all may be one as you, Spirit, with the Father and the Son are one God, one Lord.
Grant unity to the Body of Christ; grant unity to the human family.
Sole breath of every living thing, may all be one who, in you, live and move and have their being.
“We saw the star in the East, and we came to worship" (cf Matthew 2:2)
Carl K. Moeddel, from Jesuit Resources,
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2022 - NCCA
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